OCD is also known as Obsessive-compulsive disorder, and it involves a sequence of irrational thoughts and obsessions which would make you to carry out repetitive behaviours. Such obsessions and compulsions are usually known to distort daily activities, which could induce great distress.
On your part, you might make attempts to ignore or put an end to your obsessions, however, it would only increase your anxiety and distress level. Eventually, you would feel compelled to carry out compulsive acts which would try to reduce your stress level.
So, irrespective of efforts to eliminate such obsessive urges or thoughts, they would keep resurfacing.
There are two symptoms which are associated with Obsessive-compulsive disorder, and they are: Obsession symptoms and compulsion symptoms. It is possible to have only one of them occurring at once.
Obsession symptoms involves uninvited and persistent thoughts which could cause anxiety or distress. Such symptoms are listed below:
Fear of contamination
Doubts of carrying out certain actions
Intense stress when things are not properly arranged
Thoughts of hurting yourself or someone else, which makes you uncomfortable
Avoiding situations which can induce obsessions. For example, shaking hands
Anguish in replaying sexual images in your mind
Compulsion symptoms are monotonous behaviours which you would feel motivated to perform over and over again, with a view to relieving yourself of anxiety, only to discover that there is only a temporary relief gotten from it. Common compulsive symptoms are listed below:
Washing your hands till your skin gets raw
Regular check on doors to confirm if they have been properly locked
Checking the cooker to confirm if it has been properly turned off
Counting in regular patterns
Saying a prayer, a word or phrase silently
There is really no cure for Obsessive-compulsive disorder, however, there are two treatments which have been found to be very effective over time.
The first is Psychotherapy, which involves Cognitive behavioural therapy, which is needed for people who have OCD. You would be required to face your fears, and also learn healthy ways on reducing your anxiety level. It takes great effort and practice.
Also, Medications are the second form of treatment, and below are the approved drugs with the age schedule:
Clomipramine: For children 10 years older and adults
Fluoxetine: For children 7 years older and adults
Fluvoxamine: For children 8 years older and adults
Paroxetine: For adults only
Sertraline: For children 6 years older and adults