The treatment for anxiety in all individuals is not the same, as it varies based on the type of anxiety disorder and individual inclinations. Most times however, treatment for anxiety incorporates various type of medication and therapy.
Strong dependence on alcohol, depression and a host of other conditions, can have a strong connection to anxiety in some individuals, that managing the anxiety disorder, must be put on hold until the person has been certified to manage other triggering conditions.

The first line of action as regards the treatment for anxiety, should be taking note of the upcoming symptoms of feelings which come from being anxious, and making conscious efforts to cope with the conditions in the absence of medical aid.
If this step does not step-down the influence of the symptoms of anxiety, or if the outset is uniquely intense, there are other available forms of treatment which can suffice.

One notable form of treatment is Self-Treatment. As the name implies, it is a situation whereby the person manages the anxiety without the involvement of any clinical aid. Although, this is common to less intense periods of anxiety. There are some recommended techniques by health specialists in order to cope with brief periods of anxiety such as: Stress levels management and monitoring; Relaxation techniques such as deep-breathing exercises; mental exercise; physical exercise; support network.

Counselling and therapy, is a standard form of treatment for anxiety, and it includes psychological counselling and therapy, and this could include psychotherapy which involves CBT known as cognitive behavioural therapy, which is a blend of therapy and counselling.
Cognitive behavioural therapy helps to detect and modify the harmful thought outlines which can induce an anxiety disorder and troublesome moods. This would assist people in controlling the way and manner by which their minds and bodies respond to some triggers.

Medications are also quintessential in the treatment of anxiety disorder. Some classes of medications which have been proved to be effective in treating anxiety disorder includes: Tricyclics such as clomipramine and imipramine; Benzodiazepines such as Diazepam or Valium have been also proved to be effective; Anti-depressants such as citalopram and fluoxetine would also come in handy.

In order to keep anxiety disorder in check, the following steps can be applied:
Consuming less soda, chocolate and caffeine
Regular check with the doctor or pharmacist
Balanced diet
Steady sleep patterns
Evading the use of alcohol, cannabis and other recreational medications

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